Gender equality committee

Gender equality committee
Gender Equality is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN's 2030 Agenda (Goal 5) and at the national level by the PNRR (mission 5), which has emphasized the importance of reducing gender disparities, mainly through the revision of the Equal Opportunities Code (with Law No. 162/2021) and the establishment of a Gender Equality Certification. This certification attests to companies' concrete commitment to reducing the gender gap regarding growth opportunities, pay equality for equal work, gender difference management policies, and parental protection.
RBM knows business success is also built on an inclusive working model fostering gender equality. Structuring our gender equality system is now necessary to attest to RBM's commitment to the issue and monitor the objectives of a continuous improvement process aimed at embracing the principles of Gender Equality and incorporating its paradigm into our DNA, making sustainable and lasting change possible.
In 2024, RBM initiated the process of obtaining the UNI PdR 125: 2022 Gender Equality Certification. The internal before the external objective is to measure, report, and evaluate gender-related data, with a constant commitment to reducing existing gaps.
RBM promotes a zero-tolerance policy towards any form of physical, verbal, and digital abuse. By undertaking this journey, RBM commits to embracing the principles of gender equality, articulated throughout the personnel's entire lifecycle, from recruitment to conclusion, to promote:
- Adequate work-life balance conditions for different life stages;
- Proactive policies in rebalancing family responsibilities between men and women;
- A work environment that rejects stereotypes and discrimination;
- The promotion and dissemination of diversity and inclusion culture.
Recognizing the importance of this ongoing process, on February 29, 2024, RBM took a significant step by establishing the Gender Equality Committee. This committee is not just a formality but a proactive entity tasked with promoting and protecting equal opportunities and the well-being of all personnel. Its role is pivotal in guiding the company's cultural and organizational change towards gender equality.
Composition of the Committee:
Chairwoman - Mrs. Cristiana Bossini - Board Delegate Counselor
Vice Chairwoman - Dr. Beatrice Bossini - Digital Marketing Specialist
Presidential Assistant and Gender Equality Management System Manager - Dr. Manuela Tanghetti - HR Manager
Delegate Counselor - Eng. Luca Vittuari - General Manager
Delegate Counselor - Dr. Roberta Forini - Chartered Accountant
Delegate Counselor - Lawyer Valentina Restani - In-house Legal