Wash Clean 400H | Series 3918.B

Wash Clean 400H
Fast universal cleaner

Series 3918.B
Fast universal cleaner.

Wash Clean 400 is a fast sequestering neutral product for cleaning new or existing heating and cooling systems.

Product with a broad spectrum of action; removes deposits of limescale, iron oxides, sludge and bacterial filaments.

The action of Wash Clean 400H restores the full efficiency of systems, boilers and heat pumps.

Suitable for boilers and heat pumps, both in heating and cooling
Product for use in multi-material systems containing aluminium

Fast universal cleaner

Code Weight (kg) Box Carton Cat.
39180012 1 1 9 20.04 ||39180012_LastPrice||

The dose of 1 litre of Wash Clean 400H can treat:

- up to 100 l hydraulic content;

- up to 100 m² of radiant system;

- up to 10 radiators.

It is possible to leave the system running during the cleaning action of Wash Clean 400H.

RECOMMENDED ACTION TIME: maximum 3 days or maximum one day if aluminium is present.

To be used as an alternative to Wash Clean 400 in the case of particularly compromised systems and/or clogged terminals, or when it is necessary to reduce the cleaning time.

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