
The energy efficiency of the plant engineering system is the ability of the system to deliver the same service with less energy consumption. This capability is achieved by controlling everything in the best possible manner to reduce energy losses while achieving the same final comfort. Also important is the correct and continuous maintenance of the 'health condition' of the entire plant over time. For these purposes, this division includes all products for controlling and regulating process variables such as flow, temperature, humidity and pressure, as well as products required for maintaining plant health.


Energy efficiency

265 products found
Series 3
Series 3
Line filter with removable filtering cartridge, FF connection. Suitable...
Series 4
Series 4
Line filter with removable filtering cartridge, MF connection. Suitable...
Series 858
Series 858
Y-shaped purifying filter with removable filtering cartridge. Suitable...
Series 126
Series 126
Water 100 μm self-cleaning filter with removable filtering cartridge....
Series 38
Series 38
Check valve for the automatic shut-off of air vent valves, models...
Series 38 Image not available
Series 38
Check valve for the automatic shut-off of air vent valves, models...
Miniluft CP | Series 791
Series 791 Miniluft CP
Compact polymer automatic air vent valve for small systems, complete...
Miniluft Compact | Series 2827.A
Series 2827.A Miniluft Compact
Compact automatic air vent valve - side discharge - for small systems,...
Miniluft Compact | Series 2827.A
Series 2827.A Miniluft Compact
Compact automatic air vent valve - side discharge - for small systems,...
Miniluft Compact | Series 2827.B
Series 2827.B Miniluft Compact
Valvola automatica di sfogo aria compatta cromata - scarico laterale...
Miniluft | Series 2828
Series 2828 Miniluft
Compact automatic air vent valve - vertical discharge - for small...
Miniluft | Series 2828
Series 2828 Miniluft
Compact automatic air vent valve - vertical discharge - for small...