
RBM manufactures all the connection and management components of the modern plumbing and heating system. The product range has been developed following and anticipating the needs of the sector thanks to the work of the internal team made up of qualified researchers, designers and plant engineers who operate daily in the field.


Radiator and fan coil distribution

33 products found
Series 100
Series 100
Single modular manifold, with in-line connections and one-way lateral...
Series 3202.A
Series 3202.A
Modular brass manifold kit.
Series 227
Series 227
Basic 1"1/4 manifold kit
Series 196
Series 196
FF 1"1/4 single MONOBLOCK manifold produced from casting, with in-line...
Series 3769
Series 3769
Single insulation shell for 1”1/4 manifold, made of expanded polyethylene...
Series 3781
Series 3781
Insulation shell for thermometer holder well consisting of expanded...
Series 3780
Series 3780
Guscio di coibentazione per valvola automatica sfogo aria/degasatore...
Series 3782
Series 3782
Guscio di coibentazione per gruppo terminale di scarico serie 450.A,...
Series 070
Series 070
T-terminal fitting with plugged junctions, suitable for the possible...
Series 96
Series 96
Raccordo terminale a T con derivazioni tappate, idoneo per il possibile...
Series 219
Series 219
Coppia di staffe in acciaio per fissaggio collettori semplici in...
Series 105
Series 105
Valvola manuale d’intercettazione a semplice regolazione diritta...