
RBM manufactures a wide range of thermostatic valves and radiator lockshields. Radiator valves, when fitted with an RBM thermostatic head, make each room independent. RBM's wide range of valves is suitable for all types of terminals, including cast iron, steel and aluminium radiators.


Valves for radiator and terminal control

122 products found
Series 2643
Series 2643
Straight radiator valve for copper and polyethylene pipe with thermostatic...
Series 2643
Series 2643
Straight radiator valve for copper and polyethylene pipe with thermostatic...
Series 2720
Series 2720
Radiator reversible valve for iron pipe with thermostatic option...
Series 2720
Series 2720
Radiator reversible valve for iron pipe with thermostatic option...
Series 1028
Series 1028
Valvola termostatizzabile a 4 vie per impianti monotubo.
Series 3101
Series 3101
Valvola termostatizzabile a 4 vie a interasse variabile con o senza...
Series 754
Series 754
Valvola termostatizzabile monotubo/bitubo a 4 vie per terminali arredobagno....
Series 223
Series 223
Kit for heating units that can be fed from single-pipe and two-pipe...
Series 223
Series 223
Kit for heating units that can be fed from single-pipe and two-pipe...
Series 225
Series 225
Kit for heating units that can be fed from single-pipe and two-pipe...
Series 225
Series 225
Kit for heating units that can be fed from single-pipe and two-pipe...
Series 211
Series 211
Kit for heating units that can be fed from single-pipe and two-pipe...